8 Reasons You Need Shelf-Life Testing

This is why shelf-life studies are on the rise and why it is an important part of every quality program. 1. Meet Regulatory Requirements Regulations require that products be labeled with an expiration, best-by, or sell-by date. 2. Ensure Quality / Reduce Consumer Complaints Shelf-Life testing helps your company guarantee quality throughout the lifecycle of […]
5 Things Every Manager Needs to Know About Shelf-Life Testing

What is Shelf-Life? Shelf-life is the length of time that a product can be stored while remaining usable and fit for consumption or sale. What Can I Learn From Performing Shelf-Life Testing On My Product(s)? Shelf-life testing can help you learn many valuable things about your product, including: In what way your product changes with […]
If You Test For Listeria, Should You Also Test For Salmonella?

The vehicles by which Listeria enters a food production facility are largely also sources by which Salmonella makes its way into the environment, such as through contaminated soil, fruits, vegetables, meats, etc. Once these organisms enter the production environment, they can grow, spread, and make their way into products, causing contamination. It can be easy to pass over Salmonella as a […]
Negative EMP Results Aren’t Always Good

Negative pathogen testing results could mean that your environment is squeaky clean (congratulations!). However, it could also mean that you’re just not looking hard enough! Never having a pathogen detection in your environmental monitoring program could indicate there are gaps in your sampling plan. Perhaps the plan simply isn’t representative enough of the environment and is not doing its job. Quality […]
Checklist To Your EMP Program

Risk Assessment The first step is to complete a risk assessment of biological hazards in your facility. You have likely already started this as part of your hazard analysis. Take into account your ingredients, the flow of production, your facility, and the nature of your operation to identify which specific pathogens may exist in – […]